ReferencesNanoclObjectsVirtual MachineVirtual Machine In Nanocl, a Virtual Machine refers to a virtual machine configuration. Once created the system will ensure your Virtual Machine is always running. There is the openapi specification for a VmSpecPartial used to create a Virtual Machine: Diskrequiredobject (VmDisk) Disk config of the vm (image, size) required HostConfignull or VmHostConfig (object) Hostnamestring or null Hostname of the vm (default: generated from name) Labelsobject or null User-defined key/value metadata. MacAddressstring or null Mac address of the vm (default: generated) Metadataobject The metadata (user defined) Namerequiredstring Name of the vm Passwordstring or null Default password of the vm (default: cloud) SshKeystring or null Default ssh pub key for the user (recommended) Userstring or null Default user of the vm (default: cloud) Copy Expand all Collapse all {"Name": "string","Metadata": {"property1": "string","property2": "string"},"Hostname": "string","User": "string","Password": "string","SshKey": "string","Disk": {"Image": "string","Size": 0},"MacAddress": "string","Labels": {"property1": "string","property2": "string"},"HostConfig": { }}