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In Nanocl, a Statefile refers to a file that will containt the current state you want.
It will help you manage your Cargoes, Virtual Machines, Resources, Jobs and Secrets.


Api version to use or remote url

Array of objects or null (StatefileArg)

Arguments to pass to the Statefile

Array of objects or null (CargoSpecPartial)

List of cargoes to create and run

string or null

Set the group of defined objects default to {name_of_directory}.{name_of_file}

Array of objects or null (JobPartial)

List of jobs to create and run

string or null

Namespace where the cargoes and virtual machines are deployed

Array of objects or null (ResourcePartial)

List of resources to create

Array of objects or null (SecretPartial)

List of secrets to create

Array of strings or SubStateDef (object) or null (SubState)

Include sub states that will be applied before the current state

Array of objects or null (VmSpecPartial)

List of virtual machines to create and run

  • "ApiVersion": "string",
  • "Args": [
  • "SubStates": [
  • "Group": "string",
  • "Namespace": "string",
  • "Secrets": [
  • "Resources": [
  • "Cargoes": [
  • "VirtualMachines": [
  • "Jobs": [