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Use the Nanocl command line



To list available commands, either run nanocl with no parameters or execute nanocl help :

$ nanocl
The Self-Sufficient Hybrid-Cloud Orchestrator CLI

Usage: nanocl [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

namespace Manage namespaces
job Manage jobs
cargo Manage cargoes
vm Manage virtual machines
resource Manage resources
node Manage nodes (experimental)
events Watch daemon events
state Define, Run, or Remove Cargo or Virtual Machines
context Manage contexts
info Show nanocl host information
version Show nanocl version information
install Install nanocl components
uninstall Uninstall nanocl components
upgrade Upgrade nanocl
ps Show all processes managed by nanocl
secret Manage secrets
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

-H, --host <HOST> Nanocld host default: unix://run/nanocl/nanocl.sock
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version


Depending on your Nanocl system configuration, you may be required to preface each nanocl command with sudo.
To avoid having to use sudo with the nanocl command, your system administrator can create a Unix group called nanocl and add users to it. For more information about installing Nanocl or sudo configuration, refer to the installation instructions for your operating system.


Name, shorthandDefaultDescription
-H, --host=HOSTunix://run/nanocl/nanocl.sock - Nanocld host
-h, --helpPrint help information
-V, --versionPrint version information


Display help text

To list the help on any command just execute the command, followed by the --help option.

$ nanocl cargo --help
Manage cargoes

Usage: nanocl cargo [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

list List existing cargo
create Create a new cargo
start Start a cargo by its name
stop Stop a cargo by its name
restart Restart a cargo by its name
remove Remove cargo by its name
inspect Inspect a cargo by its name
patch Update a cargo by its name
image Manage cargo image
exec Execute a command inside a cargo
history List cargo history
revert Revert cargo to a specific history
logs Show logs
run Run a cargo
stats Show stats of cargo
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

-n, --namespace <NAMESPACE> namespace to target by default global is used
-h, --help Print help